Just A Good Week!
Hey guys, well this week actually went pretty great! so I'll write about it!
This week we finally found some good new investigators, some with real potential. We found them in one of our areas, Trede, which is the toughest, so it was a good break. Haha one of them calls us "pastor", it's hilarious but we will clear that up with her haha.
We had 3 baptisms as a District! 2 for Nweke and I, P.. and A..
A.. is a 10 year old boy, grandson of the 2nd counselor and P.. is a 24 year old Artist, and he is fantastic. I love both of them.
Being District Leader though I do get to interview the other companionships candidates for baptism, and it's just a really cool experience to see someones testimony, I love it. Being DL isn't the easiest but it's so rewarding.
At the baptism I talked on The Gift of the Holy Ghost and it was really good, I am not bragging by any means but as I talked I found myself edified, which means one thing, the Spirit was manifest there, and I felt Him. I love that. Without him life would be so, so much harder.
We did have some powerful rain this week though! Oh man I love the storms here, so much cooler than back home (sorry AZ) so I live them up while I can.
We had 3 investigators come to church on Sunday, and one of them was S... She is a German White woman who lives nearby us, haha the ward loved it. We see her quite often and she will hang out at Emilia's with us every so often so we invited her and she came! she loved it, so that's always a plus.
Sunday evening I at some sweet fufu though, I'm fairly certain that it was one of the best I've had. So just to let you know Fufu is delicious.
But on a less great note, I left my wallet on a tro-tro yesterday... which had, well everything. I wasn't upset though because it's all replaceable but it'll just slow me down a bit.
But that was my week!
I hope yours was just as good or better! Love you guys!
Elder Verdoni
Letter to Mom
The packages were perfect! the bacon is killer. And the music is sweet, although I did delete over 100 songs...I just figure, if I can't sacrifice music, I can't sacrifice anything. I did keep a lot of your driving music though, man that takes me back, good feelings and good memories. (I sent some more music with instructions to delete anything that he felt would not be missionary appropriate - and Christmas music since the one I mailed last fall never made it)Your week sounds quite eventful and that lesson though mom is really powerful, well done, (I told him of my lesson to the 14&15 yr old girls on Grace) I cant wait to come home and teach you guys or teach at church, I would love it.
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